Trying something new can make a more interesting sex life. Weird tips below you can experiment with your partner to make sex so much more exciting. Do not be afraid to try it, anyway if you did not like, could ask the couple to stop and re-love the style as usual. Whatever it is, love always brings fun effects.
Here are five tips that proved bizarre sex can increase arousal, are discussed Cosmopolitan UK:
1. Kissing Upside
'd Seen Spider-Man kissing Mary-Jane woman of his dreams in a way reversed his position? Such a kiss can practice with her husband. Husband need not act like Spider-Man. You can still do it in bed. Why is this tip worth a try? "We often kissing couples, especially when the new touch. But as time went on, we so rarely kiss, and usually quicker entry into the next stage (in sex," says sex therapist and author of "She Comes First ', Ian Kerner." By trying a new style and approach kissing couples from a different angle, it can make you feel more challenged and passionate than usual, "he added.
2. Toe Sucking Foot
These two tips can be not suitable for everyone. Can anyone feel disgusted or just think they are fun. The only way to know whether you like it or not is to try it. "Legs can be Bugan sexiest body parts, but some areas could indeed be very sensitive to touch," says Kerner. "If you enjoy a foot massage while, it's because there nerves respond well to touch a given," he explained.
To try these two tips, Ian suggest doing right after a shower, when you and your husband are really clean. When tried a few of you may be very loved.
3. Creating Playlists
Create playlists can be a good idea if you are sometimes difficult to get the mood to make love. Sexologist Yvonne K. Fulbright said, if you regularly listen to the same music before and after having sex in a few months, then the music can make you relax and get sexual stimulation later.
"If you liked the old sex, choose music with a slow tempo can make couples adjust his movements during lovemaking. Musical also adds another sensation in lovemaking, making couples more intimate and erotic," said Yvonne.
4. Not Touching
How to have sex without touching your partner's body? Do not be confused just yet, as Dr. Yvonne got the explanation.
Author of the book 'Pleasuring: The Secrets to Sexual Satisfaction', said, "One of the causes of sex only a mere routine or boring for married couples, because it can be done anytime they want. Though humans like things are a little difficult to obtain. "
Yvonne suggestions, so that you and your partner excited before having sex, remove the clothing and 'exploration' bodies to each other only with the eyes and breath. Smell the scent of her body naturally, inflatable nipple area, Mr. Happy and other sensitive body parts. The light touch will make him swayed and when you finally physical contact, sexual arousal is bubbling and ready for the awesome sex.
5. Hair Shaving Couple
Mate shave may sound less sexy when talking about sex. But this activity can be sensual.
"There's an element of trust while doing this activity. Shaving hair in intimate areas couples need full attention and accuracy. Might make you more careful when shaving genital area rather than your own," said Shelley.
Once clean of fuzz, your vital organs and couples will usually more sensitive to stimulation, which means it can produce a more intense sex. Before making love, trying to take the time to lie down or sit on the edge of the bath tub and hair cukurlah your partner in turn. Use a clean razor and shaving cream or foam of good quality. Do it slowly and tenderly.